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The Step-by-Step Guide to Search Networks in 2019

Google search network is a set of search-related websites and apps where your ads can appear. Once you create ads on the search network your ad shows near search results when someone searches with terms related to one of your keywords. Google Search Networks also called as Text Ads.
Search Ads

Do you know where search campaigns can appear

When your keywords apropos to user's search your ad can appear to google search results and other search sites.

Google Search Sites

When someone searches with terms related to one of your keywords the ads can appear above or below the search results in SERP. And, also they can appear beside, below and above in Google Play, Google Shopping, and Google Maps.

Google Search Partners

When someone searches with terms related to one of your keywords ads might appear on websites of Google Search Partners.

Step-by-Step Process to create a Search Network

  • Sign-in to Google Ads with your Gmail Account.
    Once you logged in into Google Ads you can get Google ads dashboard.
    Google Ads Dashboard
  • Click on "Campaigns".
  • Click on"+" symbol and select "New Campaign"
  • Once you clicked on the New Campaign you can get goals window.

You can create ads by selecting the goals or you can create ads without select the Goals.

  • Select "Create a campaign without a goal's guidance".
  • Select "Search Campaign"

  • Select the results which you want to get from the campaign.

  • If you want to generate traffic to your website select "Website visits". When you select website visits you should give your business website. Ex:

    If you want to get the calls to your business select "Phone calls". Once you selected the phone calls you have to give your contact number to get the calls. Ex:+91 - 9876543210

    If you look for app downloads select "App Download". For App Downloads, you can select the mobile app platform then give your app name, package name or publisher.

  • Click on the "Continue" button.
  • Enter the "Campaign Name".
  • If you want to create dynamic ads then click on Dynamic Search Ad Settings.

  • Dynamic Search Ad - Dynamic Search Ads (DSA) target relevant searches automatically based on your website, then use headlines automatically customized to people's actual searches. This setting determines what domain, language, and targeting source to use for your DSA. To create a DSA, you’ll need to create a dynamic ad group in the next step.

  • Next, choose the "Target Audience" who you want to reach.

  • Here, you can target the audience the different ways.
    First, you can target the audience in all the countries and territories.
    Second, you can target the audience based on a specific country. Ex: India.
    And Finally, you can target the audience based on a specific location. Ex: Bangalore.

    Also, you can target the audience by giving the radius. For that, First, click on Advanced Search. Once you clicked on that, the advanced search window will open, there you should select the Radius and then give the location name and give the KM or MI radius.

  • Select Language.
  • Select the right Audience.

  • Define how much you want to spend and how you want to spend it.

  • Select your Bid Strategy.

  • Google Ads automatically sets your bids to help you get the most conversions within your budget. The strategy you select here will be applied to this campaign only.

  • Add the Ad extensions.

  • By adding the ad extensions, Get up to 15% higher clickthrough rate by showing additional information on your ads.

  • Create an Ad Group.

  • An ad group contains one or more ads and a set of related keywords. For best results, try to focus all the ads and keywords in an ad group on one product or service.

    While creating the Ads, you should give the Final URL, Headlines, Display Path, and description.

  • Final URL means, Once a user clicks on your ad, they will land to the final landing.
  • You can create 3 headlines. Each has a maximum 30 characters.
  • You can give 2 descriptions. Each one has a maximum 90 characters.

  • Mobile Preview

    Desktop Preview 
    Display Version

  • Once you created the ads, you should select "Keywords".

  • For keyword selection, you can add your own terms and you can add the keywords by giving your landing page or website address.

  • Click on "Save and Continue".
  • Finally, enter your payment details, then click on "Continue" Campaign.

  • Conclusion

    Search campaigns help you to get traffic and generate the leads. While creating the search you should follow the Adword guidelines.


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